All Families Healthcare building in February 2014 All Families Healthcare


The ACLU of Montana supports peaceful protest, but violent attacks against reproductive health care providers are unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

We stand with the staff at All Families Healthcare in Kalispell, Doctor Susan Cahill and the women and families who utilize the clinic for primary and reproductive health care.

The clinic was vandalized overnight. Someone broke in through the backdoor and caused extensive damage. An employee found paperwork and equipment strewn about the building when she arrived for work this morning.

"I’m in shock and I’m angry,” said Dr. Cahill. “People are trying to stop me from doing something that I believe is a human right and is legal."

The ACLU of Montana supports a woman's right to control her own body, including when and if she decides to have a baby, and we abhor violence against reproductive health care providers. It's a form of terrorism. All Families Healthcare is Kalispell's only abortion provider and has been attacked before. In 1994 it was forced to close for five months after being firebombed.

While we understand that not everyone agrees with us when it comes to abortion, and we support anti-choice activists' right to protest, that right does not include violence, disrupting clinics' ability to operate or harassing staff or patients.

We hope the police quickly find the person or people responsible for this crime and send our support to everyone at All Families Healthcare.