Julie Simmons


Finance Manager

Julie Simmons, raised in a household where both parents held esteemed positions with the United Nations, has a global perspective shaped by her upbringing. Having lived in diverse countries across six continents—Ethiopia, Geneva, France, India, The Netherlands—she arrived in the USA in 1985 as a teenager. Completing her high school education at the prestigious United Nations International School in New York City and pursued her higher education at IONA University where she studied Political Science and Public Relations. Julie is fluently bilingual in French and English.

Julie is intimately familiar with the racial injustices prevalent in our systems and corporate settings. She has experienced firsthand the trauma of domestic violence, both witnessing it in her childhood home and becoming a victim in her first relationship. Today, as a married woman and proud mother to a son and a grand cat named "Eleanor," Julie draws upon her resilience to drive her unwavering determination.

In addition to her personal journey, Julie's professional trajectory spans decades, during which she has honed expertise in management, business development, public speaking. Julie consistently holds financial literacy seminars for individuals in lower income areas. Motivated by a deep commitment to justice, Julie found her calling at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), where she aligns her values with her professional endeavors.

As a Corporate Leadership Coach and Small Business Advocate, Julie empowers leaders and fosters business growth. Her skill set, including time management and small business financing, reflects her dedication to achieving success for herself and others.

Julie's multifaceted talents and unwavering dedication make her an invaluable asset to ACLU and the causes she passionately champions.