This week, Montana Attorney General Tim Fox joined 18 other states in support of the unconstitutional and dangerous law in North Carolina that bans abortions after 20 weeks. 

In response to the brief AG Fox signed, the following statement is by Caitlin Borgmann, ACLU of Montana's Executive Director. 

"Efforts to ban constitutionally protected abortions are out of touch and could create real harms for people who need access to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare. It’s embarrassing to see Montana sign on to the multi-state brief in support of North Carolina’s backwards-looking and short-sighted law. The government has no place between doctors and their patients, and nobody should have to justify their personal medical decisions to the government. Attorney General Tim Fox has shown how out of step he is with Montanans by signing on to this brief."


For more about the dangers of 20-week bans, see here