
Medical marijuana has not fared well this legislative session. Bills to undo the draconian law passed last session, and later ratified by voters in the fall, were tabled in committee. Restrictions that prohibit providers from being paid or even reimbursed for their costs, and that limit the number of people they can grow for remain in place.

Today the Senate Judiciary Committee takes on two more marijuana bills -- one to add PTSD to the list of conditions it can be used to treat (SB 310) and another to make sure the state doesn't delay to act if the federal government reschedules marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act (SB 311). We support both bills.
Medical marijuana relieves the suffering of a great many patients. It's unfortunate that the Legislature has so far been deaf to their pleas for help.

Senate Judiciary Committee 9 a.m., Room 303

  • SB 311 Require rescheduling of marijuana based on federal action- Support
  • SB 310 Revise medical marijuana laws to authorize coverage for PTSD - Support
  • SB 267 Revise criminal procedure laws on nolo contendere

Hearings and floor sessions can be accessed online.