
Today's the day.

Murder victims' family members, civil liberties advocates, faith leaders, fiscal conservatives and defenders of justice will gather at the Capitol for a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on ending Montana's death penalty.

The death penalty is a system that is broken beyond repair. Not only have there been close to 200 cases of prisoners on death row being exonerated, capital punishment delays justice for victims' families, it is unevenly applied more often to minorities and the poor, it wastes taxpayer dollars and it's simply wrong. That's why Republicans and Democrats are sponsoring House Bill 370 to put an end to the death penalty in Montana and replace it with life in prison without parole.

We'll be live tweeting (@ACLUMT) the hearing starting at 8 a.m. You can also watch or listen to it online.

Thursday, February 14, 2013
House Judiciary Committee 8 a.m., Room 137

  • HB 236 Eliminate license exemption for certain private adolescent treatment programs
  • HB 370 Abolish death penalty and replace it with life in prison without parole - Support

Senate Business Committee 9 a.m., Room 422

  • SB 255 Repeal English as the official language - Support

Hearings and floor sessions can be accessed online.