SB 181, a revision to the Indian Education for All (IEFA) Act, enhances Montana's state constitutional obligation to its students by requiring schools to collaborate with Montana tribes to create culturally responsive curriculums. SB 181 also mandates transparency and annual reporting to track IEFA implementation; provides better oversight of how IEFA funding is used, preventing harmful misuse; and ensures educators receive training on Native history and culture.
Since 1972, Montana has promised every student an education that honors the first peoples of this land. But decades later, many Native students and their history remain invisible. Native students graduate at rates 18% lower than their peers, and some Montana schools even use IEFA funds for materials that perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
TAKE ACTION: Use this tool to find your Montana state legislators and tell them to SUPPORT IEFA by calling 406-444-4800 or contacting your legislators online. Let’s ensure Montana teaches the full truth about its history—for every student, every classroom, and every generation.